February 22 2025 22:58:26



PURPOSE: To promote hockey in the Bemidji area for players over 21 years of age, by providing game style competition and encouraging persons with little or no hockey experience to become involved. The League will be designed to have fun, make friends and be as safe as possible while on the ice.

COMMITTEE: A committee will be formed consisting of the team captains and other strongly interested veteran players. This committee will administer the League as follows:

  1. Select teams that will be equal as possible in hockey ability as to the best of their judgment. The committee can shift players at any time during the season.
  2. They will be responsible for paying bills and collecting money.
  3. They will make decisions as to whether or not any player is abiding by the rules, is acting in an unsafe manner or being too “rough” for other players. This committee can take any type of disciplinary action against any player including removal from the League.

PLAYERS: Must be age 21 before the first of January. Will be responsible for assisting with game duties such as refereeing, running the clock or keeping the book. The players are the most important people in the League and will have a voice through the Captains or Committee Members. They may request to become a Captain or Committee Member, offer ideas and suggestions on how to improve the League.


  1. No fighting. Any player(s) fighting will be immediately ejected from the game and the next game. The second fighting penalty you will be removed from the League.
  2. No checking at any time. Minor penalty.
  3. HECC approved Ice Hockey Helmet with chinstrap fastened mandatory, face masks highly recommended.
  4. No slap shots. Sticks must be kept “below the knee” on the back swing. Penalty is a faceoff in the offending player’s defensive zone. Also no high/dangerous shots will be allowed. Penalty is a faceoff in the offending player’s defensive zone. A high/dangerous shot is any shot the referees determine to be shot above the waist into a crowd of players. Referees decisions are final.
  5. Blue line icing will be called.
  6. Captains will be in charge of their teams. Any player refusing to cooperate with his Captain can be benched or ejected from the game by the Captain. Captains may also recommend to the Committee the ejection of players from the League. The player has a right to be heard by the Committee before a final decision is made.
  7. All players must remain off the ice until the Zamboni is off the ice & the Zamboni doors are closed, no exceptions. Any player not obeying this will not be allowed to play that night. Repeat offenders will lose their privilege of playing in the league.
  8. Minor penalties. A penalty shot will be awarded to the player that is victim of a minor penalty. The offending player will not sit out during a penalty shot. If the player scores, the puck will be dropped at center ice. If the player fails to score (no rebounds), the face-off will be in the same end. Three minor penalties in one game are grounds for ejection from that game. Any Six penalties accumulated during the season could result in a meeting with the Committee. The referees may determine another more appropriate penalty as they feel the infraction determines, such as but not limited to; sitting the player down, forcing the team to skate shorthanded, ejection from the game or any combination thereof. If a player is ejected from a game, they will also be out their next scheduled game. Coincidental minors will result in both offenders sitting the remainder of that shift and both teams finishing that shift 4 on 4.
  9. Overtime (if time permits) will be a “show down.” Two players from each of the three lines will be picked by the team Captains. Most goals win. Six shots only, a tie will remain a tie.
  10. Equal ice time shall be awarded to each player as evenly as possible. Each period will be 2218 ½ minutes and there will be a 1.5-minute buzzer for each shift on the fly, wholesale, line change. When the horn blows, the player carrying the puck shall dump it to the nearest end based on which side of the red line they are on. The first team allowed to touch the puck is the defensive team. The attacking team may not pass the lower faceoff dots until the puck is touched by the defensive team. This shift on the fly rule is designed to speed the game up, not give someone an unfair advantage. Penalty for early departure from the bench, illegal touching of the puck and/or dumping the puck to the wrong end is a faceoff in the offending player’s defensive zone. Players heading to the bench are expected to do so in a prompt manor and attempt to get out of the way of play.
  11. No profane, abusive language, obscene gestures toward other players or referees, or any unsportsmanlike conduct will be allowed. Minor penalty to the guilty player or as the referee determines appropriate.
  12. Each night the Captains will select the 5 or 6 least skilled players to be the 3rd line. The 3rd line players cannot be changed unless there is an injury or illness. The 3rd line must be approved by the opposing Captain. If the 2nd line is not complete, the Captains will substitute it by using 3rd line skaters the first 45 seconds and 1st line skaters the second 45 seconds. Other options like playing 4 on 4 can be decided between captains. Ice time should be awarded as equally as possible to ALL players. Each period will begin with the 2nd line.
  13. All jerseys are owned by the BHL and must be returned promptly at the end of the season, if the player quits or is ejected from the League. Failure to return the jersey will result in that player paying for the jersey including printing cost.
  14. Any other situation not covered in the rules or needing further interpretation will be determined by the BHL Committee.
  15. If you miss your scheduled referee, timekeeping or bookkeeping assignment, you will not play your next scheduled game! Captains and/or steering committee members will enforce this.
  16. 1st line players may not score while playing down on the 2nd line unless agreed upon before the game by the captains .

Revised October 2017December 2018



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